Tuesday, October 31, 2006 |
Forty five percent of normal adults snore at least occasionally, and 25 percent are habitual snorers. Problem snoring is more frequent in males and overweight persons and it usually grows worse as people age.
More than 300 devices are registered in the U.S.Patent and Trademark Office as cures for snoring. Some are variations on the old idea of pinning a sock that holds a tennis ball on the pajama back yo force the snorer to sleep on his side. (snoring is often worse when the person sleeps on his back.) Some devices reposition the lower jaw forward; some open nasal air passages; a few others have deen designed to condition a person not to snore by producing unpleasant stimuli when snoring occurs. But if you snore, the truth is that it is not under your conscious or unconcious control; if anti snoring devices work, that is probably because they keep you awake.
The noisy sounds of snoring occur when there is an obstruction to the free flow of air through the passages at the bacj of the mouth and nose. This area is the collapsible part of the airway, where the tongue and upper throat meet the soft palate and uvula. When these structures striek each other and vibrate during breathing, that is snoring.
#poor muscle tone in the tongue and throat. When muscles are too relaxed, either from alcohol or from drugs that cause sleepiness, the tongue falls backwards into the airway or the throat muscles draw in from the sides into the airway. This can also happen in deep sleep.
#excessive bulkiness of throat tissue. Children with large tonsils and adenoids, for example, often snore. Overweight person have bulky neck tissue, too. Cysts or tumors could also cause bulk, but they are rare.
#long soft palate and/or uvula. A long palate narrows the opening from the nose into the throat. As it dingles, it acts as a noisy flutter valve during relaxed breathing. A long uvula makes matters even worse.
#obstructed nasal airways. A stuffy or blocked nose requires extra effort to pull air through it. This creates an exaggerated vacuum in the throat, pulls together the floppy tissues of the throat, and snoring results. So, in some persons snoring might occur only during the hay fever season or with a cold or sinus infection.
Also, deformities of the nose or nasal septum, such as a deviated septum (a defromity of the wall that separates one nostril from the other), can cause such an obstruction.
IS SNORING SERIOUS? Socially -- yes. It can be, when it makes the snorer the object of ridicule and causes others sleepless nights and resentfulness.
Medically - yes. It distrubs the sleeping pattern and deprives the snorer of appropriate rest. When snoring is severe, it can cuase serious long term health problem.
When loud snoring is interrupted by frequesnt episodes of totally obstructed breathing, it is known as obstructive sleep apnea. Significant episodes last more than 10 seconds each and occur more than 7 times per hour. These episodes can reduce the blood oxygen level, which causes the heart to pump harder.
The immediate effect of sleep apnea is that the snorer is forced to sleep lightly to keep his muscles tense in order to maintain airflow to the lungs. Because such a snorer does not get enough deep restful sleep, he awaken unrefreshed, is drowsy in the daytime, is a hazardous (sleepy) driver, and his work effectiveness may suffer. After many years with the disorder, elevated blood pressure and heart enlargement may occur.
Can Heavy Snoring Be Cured? Heavy snorers, those who snore in any position or who are disruptive to the family, should seek medical advice to ensure that sleep apnea is not a problem. An otolaryngologist will provide a thorough examination of the nose, mouth, throat, palate, and neck. A sleep study in a laboratory enviroment may be necessary to determine how serious the snoring is and what effect(s) it has on the snorer's health.
Treatment depends on the diagnosis. An examination will reveal if the snoring is caused by obstructive sleep apnea, nasal allergy, infection, deformity, or tonsils and adenoids.
Snoring or obstructive sleep apnea may respond to various treatments now offered by many otolaryngologist head and neck surgeons:
# Uvulopalatoharyngoplasty (UPPP) is surgery for treting obstructive sleep apnea. It tightens flabby tissues in the throat and palate and expands air passages.
# Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty (TAP) refers to procedures and techniques that treat snoring and some of them also are used to treat various severities of obstructive sleep apnea. Different types of TAP include bipolar cautery, laser, and radiofrequency. Laser Assisted Uvula Palotoplasty (LAUP) treats snoring and mild obstruvtive sleep apnea by removing the obstruction in the airway. A laser is used to vaporize the uvula and a specified portion of the palate in a series of small procedures in a doctors's office under local anasthesia.
Radiofrequency ablation - some with temperature control apporved by the FDA - utilizes a needle elctrode to emit energy to shrink excess tissue to the upper airway including the palate and uvula (for snoring), base of the tongue (for obstructive sleep apnea), and nasal turbinates (for chronic nasal obstruction).
# Genioglossus and hyoid advancement is a surgical procedure for the treatment of sleep apnea. It prevents collapse of the lower throat and pulls the tongue muscles forward, thereby opening the obstructed airway.
If surgery is too risky or unwanted, the patient may sleep every night with a nasal mask that delviers continouous positive airway pressure (CPAP) into the throat.
A chronically snoring child should be examined for problems with his or her tonsils and adenoids. A tonsillectomy and adnoidectomy may be beneficial to return the child to full health.
Adults who suffer from mild or occasional snoring should try the following self help remedies:
1.) Reduce weight with an athletic lifestyle and healthy eating habits.
2.) Avoid tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and antihistamines before bedtime.
3.) Avoid alcohol for at least 4 hours before bedtime and heavy meals or snacks for 3 hours before retiring.
4.) Establish regular sleeping patterns.
5.) Sleep on your side rather than back.
6.) Tilt the head of your bed upwards 4 inches.
Remember, snoring means obstructed breathing, and obstruction can be serious. It's not funny and its not hopeless.
(Source: American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 10:38 PM |
OREGON STATE INSECT Swallowtail Butterfly
California State Flower California Poppy
LOUISIANA STATE BIRD Eastern Brown Pelican
(Source:USAAIRWAYSMAG/usaairwaysmag.com) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 10:33 AM |
Friday, October 27, 2006 |
WHERE WE LIVE.... Unlike many developed countries, the U.S. keeps growing. We are also moving south and west. But compared with China or India, the nation is a vast prairie.
80 Percent of the U.S. population lives in a metropolitan area. Populaton of top five as follows:
1. New York City metro area (pop: 18,747,300)
2. Los Angeles metro area (pop: 12,923,500)
3. Chicago metro area (pop: 9,443,400)
4. Philadelphia metro area (pop: 5,823,200)
5. Dallas - Forth Worth metro area (pop: 5,819,500)
Alaska, is the most sparsely populated state, with 1 person per square mile.
Loving County, Texas, is the least populated county in the lower 48 states with 62 residents.
The state of Wyoming, (pop: 509,300) has fewer people than the Harrisburg, Pa., metro area.
New Jersey is the most densely populated state, with 1,134 people per square mile.
WHO WE ARE..... The U.S. population is still expanding, a dynamic rooted in high immigration rates. Newcomers from Latin America are leading the push.
FACES IN THE CROWD Women (51%) slightly outnumbered men (49%) Here's how race and ethnicity break down:
++ White 239.9 million (80.1%)
++ Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander 0.52 million (0.2%)
++ American Indians and Alaska Native 2.9 million (1.0%)
++ Asian 13.1 million (4.4%)
++ Black 38.3 million (12.8%)
++ Two or more races 4.7 million (1.0%)
568 live in the state in which they were born. 455 are employed. 420 voted in the last presidential election. 405 are married. 341 drive to work alone. 173 speak a language other than English at home. 159 have no health insurance. 126 live in poverty. 122 are 65 and older. 115 claim Irish ancestry. 23 are in prison, in jail, on parole or on probation. 8 are grandparents caring for grandchildren. 5 are in the active-duty military. 1 is kindergarten.
WHO'S HAVING BABIES Hispanics are the only group having more than enough children to replace themselves in the population. More unmarried women are giving birth, but births by teenage girls are at their lowest rate.
Total fertility rate (birth per women ages 15-44) WHITE 1.85% BLACK 2.02% AMERICAN INDIAN 1.73% ASIAN 1.90% HISPANIC 2.82%
U.S. POPULATION 1790 TO 2050
1790 3.9 million
1880 50 million
1915 100 million (1918, which saw a flu pandemic, is the only year in U.S. history that the population declined.)
1967 200 million (In the 1967 the largest segment of the foreign born population came from Italy..... today 5.3% of the foreign-born come from Latin America, most from Mexico)
2006 300 million (today 6.8% of the population is younger than 5)
2040-50 400 million
WHAT WE EARN...... As manufacturing jobs disappear and service jobs emerge, the way Americans work is changing. Here's a look at what we make and how we do it.
Hot Jobs, cold jobs Top five U.S. occupations projected to decline or grow the msot by 2014,ranked by the total number of jobs.
Farmers and ranchers -155,000/ Postsecondary teachers 524,000
Stock clerks & other fillers -115,000/ Home health aides 350,000
Sewing-machine operators -93,000/ Computer science engineers 222,000
File clerks -93,000/ Medical assistants 202,000
Computer operators -49,000/ Preschool teachers 143,000
Jobs projected to decline or grow the most by 2014, ranked by percentage -56% Textile weaving/ Home Health aides 56% -45% Meter readers/ Network analysts 55% -41% Credit checkers/ Medical assistants 5.2% -37% Mail clerks/ Computer-software engineers 48%
For every 1,000 working people, there are..... Cashiers 27/..... median salary$16,260 Registered Nurses 18/..... $54,670 Waiters and waitresses 17..... $14,200 Janitors and cleaners 16..... $19,390 Truck drivers 12..... $34,280 Elementary school teachers 11 .....$44,040 Carpenters 7.....$35,580 Fast-Food cooks 5..... $15,080 Lawyers 4 .....$98,930 Bartenders 4.....$15,850 Computer programmers 3..... $63,420 Telemarketers 3..... $20,360 Firefighters 2 .....$39,090 Butchers 1 .....$26,590 Parking lot attendants 1..... $16,930
THIS IS WHAT 99.5 % OF ALL AMERICAN MAKE IN A YEAR.... More than 132 million Americans filled tax returns in 2004, the most recent year for which complete stastistics are available. This is the income pyramid for the U.S. - broad at the lower steps, where most people fall, and extremely thin at the top, where the very wealthy live.
50% report income of less than $30,000 70% report income of less than %50,000 90% of tax returns report income of less than $100,000
9.7 million make between $1000,000 and $200,000 2.3 million make between $200,000 and $500,000
..... and what the richest 0.5% make
582,213 tax returns show income between $500,000 and $2 million (Average:$853,085) 65,548 tax returns show income between $2 million and $5 million (Average: $2.9 million) 15,835 tax returns show income between $5 million and $10 million (Average: $6.8 million) 9,677 tax returns show income of more than $10 million (Average: $26.5 million)
HOWARD STERN Radio Host 24 seconds
Dr. Phil McGraw Television Host 2 min. 42 sec.
Brad Pitt Actor 4 min, 48 sec.
Kobe Bryant Basketball player 5 mins. 30 sec.
Maria Sharapova Tennis player 6 min.
Wolfgang Puck Celebrity chef 7 min. 30 sec.
Chief Executive U.S. average 2 hr. 55 min.
Doctor, G.P. U.S. average 13 hr. 5 min.
Police officer U.S. average 43 hours
High School Teacher U.S. average 43 hours
Farmer U.S. average 57 hours
Janitor U.S. average 103 hours
WHAT WE BELEIVE.... Nine out of 10 Americans think there's something bigger out there. But what? A look inside our search for meaning.
The U.S. is overwhelmingly a nation of believers. We just don't believe the same things. More than 85% of Americans follow a Christian faith, but that strong majority is built of dozens of denominations that diverge on the most basic questions: What roles does God play in the world? What does he want of us" What does the bible really mean?
I have no doubts that God exists....66% I believe in a higher power or cosmic force....14% I believe in God, but with some doubts....11% I don't believe in anything beyond the physical world....5%
The largest segment of believers is evangelical Protestant, a blanket term for the dozens of denominations that emphasize the authority of the Bible, salvation through a personal relationship with Jesus, and the need to share their faith with others. But few Evangelicals welcome that label, preferring "Bible-believing" or "born again".
Evangelical Protestant....34% Mainline Protestant....22% Roman Catholic....21% Unaffiliated....11% Black Protestant....5% Jewish....2.5% All other religions combined total about 5%
31% believe in an AUTHORITARIAN GOD who is deeply involved in daily life and world evetns. God is angry at sin and can punish the unfaithful or ungodly.
53% of African Americans share this view, as do 56% of people who strongly believe that God is a "he".
23% believe in a BENEVOLENT GOD who is deeply involved in daily life and world events but is mainly a positive force reluctant to punish.
People younger than 30 are the likely to hold this conception of God - just 13% in the cohort do.
16% believe in a CRITICAL GOD who does not really interact witht he world but is unhappy with its current state and will exact divine justice.
21% of people in the Eastern U.S. hold this view, while just 14% of Westeners do.
24% believe in a DISTANT GOD who does not interact witht he world and is not angry. God is more of a cosmic force that set the laws of nature in motion.
37% of those with household incomes over $100,000 a year take this view. 42% of Jews view God this way.
WHAT WE BUY.... Consumet spending on everything from Apple iPods to Axe body spray powers 70% of the U.S. economy. A look at average daily pruchase of popular products.
18,000 bottles of Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio 35,079,448 12-oz servings of Bud Light
125,000 Barbie dolls 150,000 Hot wheels basic cars (small size)
123,287 Trojan Ultra thin condoms 14,100 First Response pregnancy tests
50,051,507 12-oz. cans of Pepsi 8,179,726 20-oz, bottles of Aquafina water
34 Porsche 911s 628 Toyota Camry 4-cylinder LEs
3,160 Men's Rogaine 5% Solution 4,760 CoverGirl Very Black LashExact mascaras
1,900,000 Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnuts 87,431 Slim-Fast Optima multi-pack shakes
234,586 cartons of 64-oz. Tropicana Pure Premium (no pulp) orange juice
153,424 lbs of Starbucks coffee
26,657 bags of Whiskas cat food 66,665 Pedigree Jumbone dog-bone treats
28,876 Axe Phoenix body spray 1,852,516 Dove Beauty Bars of soap
2,400,000 Burger Kign Whoppers 536,000 Domino's pepperoni pizzas
88,163 Apple iPods 300,000 packs of Pampers 20,826 Dell notebook computers 6,000,000 Federal Express packages shipped 500,000 Hostess Twinkies
(Source: Abstracted from TIMEMAG/U.S. Census Bureau:LandScan2003/UT-Battelle/U.S. Census Bureau;Population Reference Bureau;National Center for Health Statistics;Pew Hispanic Center/Bureau of Labor Statistics;Internal Revenue Service;The State of Working America 2006/2007;Salary.com.Forbes.com/Baylor Religion Survey;Glenmary Research Center;Asso. of Religious Data Archieves) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 1:09 AM |
Thursday, October 26, 2006 |
Gayle Delaney, expert dream analyst. Ever have a problem and someone told you to sleep on it? That's because the key to your troubles often comes to you in your dreams. "They're like our internal therapist", says Gayle Delaney, author of ALL ABOUT DREAMS. We asked Gayle how to make the most of snooze time.
HOW CAN WE USE DREAMS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS? Before you go to bed, jot down a short paragraph about your issue, then write a question you'd like an answer to, such as, "What is keeping me from .....?" As you fall asleep, repeat the question exactly as you wrote it. When you wake up, record every detail of what's on your mind -- even if it seems unimportant -- so you won't forget it. If you don't recall enough detail, you can't interpret the dream.
HOW CAN WE UNDERSTAND OUR DREAMS? Sometimes a dream is so clear it does'nt need to be interpreted, but usually it's a metaphorical analysis of something in your life. Interview yourself or have a friend interview you about your dream as soon as possible by relaying the setting, people, animals, objects, feelings, or actions that took place. Describe all the major images and then note any parallels to your own situation. Dreams can help you see where you're holding back, feeling powerless or tacking motivation.
WHAT DO SOME COMMON DREAM IMAGES MEAN? There are universal dreams and images, but they don't always mean the same thing for everybody. If you dream of falling, it typically expresses fear - the details will tell you what you're frightened of. If you see yourself flying, it may mean that you're confident about something in your life or you want to feel as free as you do in the dream. Dreaming about your teeth falling out can convey worries about losing face and looking bad.
(Source:WD by: Debbe Geiger) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 1:39 AM |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 |
FOR 12 YEARS I charged through life assuming I'd find the money to pay for all the things I was buying, stuff I could'nt afford. I could have saved myself a lot of grief. And a ton of money.
STOP. If you carry a balance on a card, stop using it. Period. This is crucial.
PAY THE SAME. Adopt your currect minumum payments as your fixed monthly obligation from now on. Even if creditors accept less, don't change it.
CREATE ORDER. Line up your credit crad debts with the smallest balance you owe at the top. Try to pay more than the minimum on that card.
GANG UP. Once you pay off that first debt, take its payment and add it to the fixed payment of the next debt in line. Repeat until you are debt free.
When it comes to convenience, it's hard to beat a good credit card. And that's the problem. The morve convenient they are, the more apt we are to get it over our heads. When that happens, carrying expensive credit card debt is like trying to navigate a minefield. Just one wrong move and you coulkd really mess up your life.
Look, credit cards themselves are not the problem. You nee a credit card to rent a car or make hotel reservations. Using a credit card is the safest way to buy inline. The problem is the mounting debt, interest and fees that result when you use credit cards to live beyond your means, sock away the difference, and know the ins and outs of credit cards to escape the debt cycle.
UNIVERSAL DEFAULT Buried in the fine print of the credit card agreement you signed is permission for the company to check your credit report routinely. If they see anything they don't like (late payments to another credit card of your mortgage bank, for instance) you've given them permission to increase your interest rate, even if you've always paid their account on time.
YOUR CREDIT SCORE Everything on your credit report is refeclted in this three-digit number. Insurance companies look at yoru credit score to determine how much you'll pay in premiums, and many landlords and potentioal employers consider credit scores a kind of character reference. So a negative credit histpry may mean higher car insurance reates or missing out on that dream job.
PARE DOWN You only need one major credit card, or possibly two to keep things separate if you cover work related, reimbursement expenses. Any more than two and you're just asking for trouble these days of rampant identity theft and increased fees. Keep the card you've had the longest to enhance your credit score. Once you've paid off the credit card balances, consider closing them. But pace yourself. Closing too many accounts at once can hurt your credit score.
REDUCE YOUR INTERST RATE If you're in too deep to pay your balance in full every month and have at least six months of on-time payments, call customer service and ask for a rate reduction. If you don't succeed at first, keep trying. Getting a lower interest rate can save you lots of money.
PAY EARLY Thirty percent of credit companies profits come from late and over-linit fees. Foil their plans by paying your bills early and not going over the credit limit.
GET OUT OF DEBT (for more info, go to www.womansday.com/hunt.)
(Source: WDSOLUTIONS by: Mary Hunt) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 3:27 PM |
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 |
OH SEX....OH SEX!!!! |
TOP 10 PLACES AMERICANS HAVE HAD SEX OUTSIDE THEIR BEDROOMS: 1. In a Car 2. In a Bathroom 3. In a Park 4. In their Parents room 5. At a Party 6. On the Beach 7. At School 8. At Work 9. In a Garden 10.Elesewhere(use your Imagination)
TOP 10 TRAITS OF REALLY CLOSE COUPLES: Sex therapist Laura Berman, Ph.D., asked 3,000 men and women the best ways for couples to stay intimate. Survey says..... 1. They have sex often. The key to this? Say no to TV.:couples with sets in their bedroom are less likely to have sex regularly", notes Berman.
2. They touch often in nonsexual ways like cuddling and kissing.
3. They're adventurous. And not just in the bedroom. Trying anything together, like a new restaurant or sport, keeps things exciting.
4. They separate work and play. Berman's research found that when one or both partners spend two or more hours every night on work-related tasks, it erodes intimacy.
5. They spend and save similarity. "The couples who constantly bicker about who's paying for what have the least intimacy", says Berman.
6. They have extended family living in the home. "Family members help out with the kids, which gives couples more time for each other", says Berman.
7. They both initiate sex.
8. They share similar religious beliefs.
9. They make time for vacations. Occasional vacations spur intimacy more than weekly date nights do, found Berman.
10. They share a bed. "It's surprising how many couples don't whether it's due to one partner snoring or restless sleeping", says Berman. Her advice? "Get a bigger bed or -- earplugs".
TOP 10 FEMALE BODY PARTS MEN LOVE (Soure:misterpoll.com) 1. Breasts 2. Butt 3. Face 4. Eyes 5. Feet 6. Legs 7. Stomach 8. Lips/Mouth 9. Arms 10.Hair
TOP 10 THINGS THAT ANNOY WOMEN IN BED (Source: Glamour survey) 1. Guys who always do the same moves at the same pace. 2. When guys finish too soon. 3. Over agressiveness. 4. Bad kissers. 5. Not enough foreplay. 6. Guys who get too sweaty. 7. T00-talkative men. 8. When guys take too long. 9. Guys who won't give oral sex. 10.Unskilled guys.
TOP 10 THINGS THAT ANNOY MEN IN BED (Source: Glamour survey) 1. Lacl of enthusiasm. 2. Unadventurous partner. 3. Bad personal hygiene. 4. Partners who are too talkative or too loud.... 5. .... or are not talkative or loud enough. 6. When women start an unrelated conversation. 7. Women who won't give oral sex. 8. An ungroomed bikini line. 9. When women won't let him see them naked. 10.Cuddling.
TOP TEN CELEBS WOMEN LUST AFTER 1. Patrick Dempsey 2. Orlando Bloom 3. Colin Farrell 4. Johnny Depp 5. Jake Gyllenhaal 6. Brad Pitt 7. George Clooney 8. Jon Stewart 9. Jamie Fox 10.Denzel Washington
TOP 10 CELEBS MEN LUST FOR 1. Scarlett Johansson 2. Angelina Jolie 3. Jessica Alba 4. Jessica Simpson 5. Keira Knightley 6. Halle Berry 7. Jenny McCarthy 8. Maria Sharapova 9. Carmen Electra 10.Teri Hatcher
TOP 10 ORGASMIC POSITIONS FOR WOMEN Forget the Kama Sutra -- these are the only positions worth trying. Sex researchers Beverly Whipple, Ph.D., co-author of The Science of Orgasm, has spoken with more than 5,000 women about their orgasms. Her list of positions, ranked by effectiveness:
1. Women on top
2. Reverse cowgirl. Women on top, facing his feet.
3. Rear entry (dogie style)
4. Modified missionary. What's the same man on top, woman on bottom. New twist: He's kneeling with his top half upright.
5. The Butterfly. Missionary, with the woman's pelvis tilted up (a pillow under the butt helps) and her legs in the air.
6. Coital alignment technique. Start out in missionary position; he edges forward until both partners' pubic bones meet.
7. Standing facing each other.
8. Standing rear entry.
9. Sitting-lotus position. He sits cross-legged; the woman straddles him and crosses her legs behind him.
TOP 10 FEMALE SEX FANTASIES 1. Hooking up with a male celeb. 2. Being dominated. 3. Being tied up. 4. Sex with someone taboo, like your brother-in-law or neighbor. 5. Teacher/student roles. 6. Romantic scenarios like sex on a moonlit beach. 7. Having sex with another woman. 8. Really soulful sex. 9. Sex in a dangerous place. 10.Playing with sex toys.
1. "I might be the one you're looking for".
2. "Hi" (or "Hello" or "Howdy")
3. "Seeking Prince Charming"
4. "I'm the one your mother warned you about"
5. "I can't believe I am doing this"
6. "Looking to meet new people"
7. "Looking for a partner in crime."
8. "Are you the one?"
9. "Just Curious"
10."Blah, blah, blah"
TOP 10 WAYS COUPLES MEET (Source: Pew Research Center)
34 percent Through Family or Friends. 38 percent At Work or School. 13 percent At a Nightclub, Bar, Cafe, or Party. 03 percent On the Internet. 02 percent At Church. 01 percent By Chance, like on the Street. 01 percent THey're Neighbors. 01 percent At The Gym. 01 percent Through a Dating Service. 06 percent Other Ways. They grew uo together, etc.
(Source: Abstracted from GLAMOURMAG) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 12:13 AM |
Saturday, October 21, 2006 |
215 B.C. Greek mathematician Hero reportedly invents a coin-operated machine to vend sacred water in Eguptian tmeples.
A.D. 1076 Chinese produce coin-operated pencil vendors.
1700s Coin-operated tobacco boxes appear in English taverns.
1886 U.S. granst several patents for coin-operated dispensers.
1888 Thomas Adams company installs Tutti-Frutti gum machines on New York elevated train platforms.
1901 Just add-hot-water "instant" coffee was invented by Satori Kato of Chicago.
1902 U.S. Post office begins to use stamps vendors.
1926 First commercial cigarette vending machines.
1930s Bottled soft drink machines cooled with ice appear on the market.
1946 Invention of the first coffee vendors leads to use of vending machines for coffee break.
1950 First machines to offer refrigerated sandwiches, expanding lunch menu.
1960 Dollar bill changers arrive, frustrating millions, sindle-cup coffee vending machines introduced.
1961 Canned soft drinks vendor offer customers a new beverage option.
1963 Vending companies begin furnishing microwave ovens to hear refrigerated foods.
1970 Glass-fronmt snack machine introduced by Polyvend.
1978 Water vending machines introduced.
1985 Debit card/Credit card devices for vending machines introduced.
1988 First bean-grinders introduced in coffee machines.
1992 Bg-in-box syrup containers installed in cold beverage machine.
2005 Shop24 introduces a vending machine that sells more than 200 products, from batteries to eggs.
2006 MooBella introduces a vending machine that can make 96 varieties of ice cream - to order. In Belgium, a vending machine is tested that would sell beer and wine - and check your ID.
(Source: TEMPO/CHCITRIB National Automatic Merchandising Association, About.com."A History of Science".) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 11:55 PM |
Friday, October 20, 2006 |
The Flu season is right around the corner - generally from December to March. For those with chronic conditions such as asthma or diabetes, the flu can be extremely dangerous.
It is recommended that those with chronic conditions get a flu shot every year. A flu shot greatly reduces your risk of being miserable from fevers, aches , pains, a cough and extreme fatigue due to the flu. Adults who get a flu shot miss fewer days of work and have fewer doctor visits for respiratory illness that those who do not get a flu shot. It also reduces the risk of complications, such as pneumonia.
1. Those who have chronic conditions such as asthma or diabetes need to protect themselves against the potentially dangerous complications that can result from the flu.
2. Despite the popular belief, you will not get the flu from getting a flu shot.
3. You need a flu shot once a year because the flu virus changes every year. The flu shot you received last year won't protect you against the new strains this year.
4. Others my unknowingly give you the flu. The flu is very contagious even before the symptoms appear.
5. The flu shot is your best shot at protection against influenza this year.
posted by infraternam meam @ 2:18 PM |
Thursday, October 19, 2006 |
Rising oil prices and improvements in safety have led to a renewed interest in nuclear power after decades of stagnation. However, this comes at a time of confrontation with Iran, which is suspected of having a nulcear weapons program, and North Korea, which has detonated a device.
NUCLEAR CAPABILITY BY COUNTRY CANADA .. 18 USA ..... 104 MEXICO .. 2 FINLAND . 4 SWEDEN .. 10 GERMANY.. 17 UK....... 23 NETHERLANDS. 1 BELGIUM.. 7 FRANCE .. 59 SPAIN ... 9 CZECH REP.6 SLOVENIA .1 SLOVAKIA..6 LITHUANIA.1 UKRAINE...15 ARMENIA...1 ROME......1 ISRAEL....(Suspected of having nuclear bombs) BULGARIA..4 HUNGARY...4 IRAN......(Suspected of trying to build a nuclear weapon) PAKISTAN..2 INDIA.....15 RUSSIA....31 CHINA.....9 JAPAN.....56 S.KOREA...20 TAIWAN....6 N.KOREA...(Recently conducted a nuclear weapons test)
(Source: Nuclear Energy Data as of Dec. 31, 2005/International Atomic Energy Agency, Arms Control Association/CHICTRIB) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 2:11 PM |
Wednesday, October 18, 2006 |
"THE STREETS OF AMERICA SHALL RUN RED WITH BLOOD". The threat delivered on one of those a;-Qaeda videos that appear occasionally online, wasn't that unusual. Except that the man in it and three other videos spoke in perfect American English. His name is ADAM YAHIYE GADAHN, 28, a californian who converted to Islam as a teen. Gadahn, who first appeared in an al-Qaeda video as a half-masked terrorist identified as "Azram the American", was charged last week with treason for conspiring against the U.S. Now thought to be in Pakistan, he was added to the FBI's most wanted list. Treason is a rare crime. According to the FBI, just eight people have been convicted of it in the nation's history, most for wartime actions. Gadahn is the first American charged since Tomoya Kawakita, a Japanese American who abused captured U.S. troops during World War II and was convicted in 1952. Kawakita was pardoned by President John F. Kennedy, but not all accused traitors have been so lucky. Here are a few of the most memorable.
BENEDICT ARNOLD 1780 The Continental Army general was a hero early in the Revolutionnary War but switched sides and plotted to deliver to the British the fort at West Point, N.Y. - where he was commander. He fled and joined the British army before he could be tried for treason.
THOMAS DORR 1844 Dorr led a failed rebellion against Rhode Island's Governor, who refused to recognize a new state constitution that Dorr had drafted with other liberal reformers. Sentenced to life in solitary confinement and hard labor, Dorr was pardoned in 1854.
JOHN BROWN 1859 Intent on waging war against slavery in the South, the militant abolitionist led a raid on the federal armory at Harper's Ferry, Va, Local militiamen captured him,and he was hanged after being convicted of treason, murder and inciting slave insurrection.
DR. SAMUEL MUDD 1865 He had only helped a stranger with broken leg, he said. But that stranger was John Wilkes Booth, on the run after assassinating Abraham Lincoln. Mudd was jailed for life for treason and for conspiring to assassinate the President but was pardoned in 1869.
EZRA POUND 1945 While living in Italy, during World War II, the poet and Mussolini fan broadcast anti-U.S. radio commentaries. Imprisoned by the U.S. Army in an outdoor cage, he suffered a breakdown and was found mentally incompetent to stand trial for treason.
MILDRED GILLARS 1949 Tokyo Rose's Europeanm counterpart, "Axis Sally" worked to weaken the morale of U.S. troops with her broadcasts on Radio Berlin. After the war, she was convicted of treason, served 12 years in jail, was pardoned became a music teacher in Ohio.
(Source: Abstracted from NOTEBOOK/TIMEMAG by: Elisabeth Salemme) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 2:02 AM |
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 |
ULTIMATE BETRAYAL: Recognizing, Uncovering, and Dealing With Infidelity |
RECOGNIZING THE SIGNS: NOTING CHANGES IN ROUTINE The following are questions that you should ask yourself to assess the way your mate has been acting. When reading these questions, note that some are relevant only if you live togehter; some, only if you have separate residences.
/_/ Does your mate have some new acitvity that occurs on the same night every week, and to which you are not invited?
/_/ Has he started excluding you from activities that the two of you used to share?
/_/ Does he mention people you've never heard of and claim that they were all together somewhere?
/_/ Does he answer you promptly when you ask where he's been, or does he hesitate before replying?
/_/ Does he return home smelling cleaner than he did when he left? Or, conversely, does he jump into the shower immediately after walking through the front door?
/_/ Does he carry an extra set of clothing with him whenever he goes? (Pay particular attention to extra underwear).
/_/ Has he suddenly begun doing his own laundry?
/-/ Have you begun to notice articles of his clothing missing, especially underwear or T-shirts?
/_/ Does he keep coloogne in his car?
/_/ Has he suddenly begun carrying gum or breath mints with him?
/_/ Does he come up with silly reasons as to why he can't wear his wedding band - it's too tight, it will get dirty, it's too expensive, or he doesn't want to damage it? Does he claim to have lost his band altogther?
/_/ Are you no longer permitted to open up his mail?
/_/ Does he suddenly have new possessions that you know he did not have the money ot buy?
/_/ Is he expreiencing a sudden, unexplained interest in getting in shape, going to the gym, or changing his hairstyle and general appearance?
/_/ Has he begun washing his car more frequently?
/_/ Has he insisted on putting a business telephone line in your home - one to which only he has access and that rings with unusual frequency durng nonbusiness hours?
/_/ Has he started leaving his cellular telephone or pager in his car at night?
/_/ Is his cellualr telephone address book or call log locked?
/_/ If he answers the telephone in front of you, does he quickly leave the room and speak in hused tones or cryptic sentences?
/_/ Does he hang up the telephone or switch computer screens as soon as you walk into the room?
/_/ Does it take him more than a moment or two to respond when you ask him who he was talking to on the telephone?
/_/ Has he been taking an unusually long time to return your pages?
/_/ When you call him, does he know it's you within a moment or two of hearing your voice, or does he seem confused?
/_/ Do you get an inordiante number of hang-ups on your telephone?
/_/ Has he recently acquired a phone card?
/_/ Have you ever seen either his home or cellular phone bill, or does he make sure that you never get near it?
/_/ Does he constantly erase the telephone numners on his caller ID box or otherwise prevent you from accessing the last telephone number dialed?
/_/ Does he contanlty check his voicemail or e-mail messages?
/_/ Has he recently changed his compiter password or any other entry code for no apparent reason?
/_/ Has he begun deleting his computer history or other records that would show the websites he's visited?
/_/ Has he set up a new e-mail account using a totally different ID of which you were not informed?
/_/ Has your home computer been receiving an abundance of spam from online dating or porn sites?
/_/ Is his glove compartment locked?
/_/ Has he begun to pick petty fights with you, after which he storms out of the house, remainign away for extended periods of time?
/_/ Does he have an unusual number of female friends?
/_/ Is hi ex-girlfriend or ex-wife among his female friends?
/_/ Does his ex-grilfriend or ex-wife still not have a new boyfriend of husband of her own?
/_/ Do his friends act uncomfortable or weird around you?
/_/ Do several of his friends cheat on their wives and girlfriends?
/_/ Do you suddently find the need to adjust the passenger seat in his car every time you get in?
/_/ Does he work more overtime, but still never have any money?
/_/ Is he extremely suspicious of you, or does he often accuse you of cheating on him for no apprarent reason?
/_/ Does he suddenly seem uninterested in sex, or, conversely, is he suddenly interested in exprimenting with new sexual techniques?
/_/ Does he have an unusual number of "stalkers" or ex-girlfriends who just won't leave him alone?
/_/ When you leave items at his home, are they still there when you return, or are they buried behind the clothes in his closet?
/_/ Are the photos of you in the same place they've always been in his house, care , or office?
/_/ Does he always blame the appearance of strange items in his house or car on some phantom?
/_/ Does he discourage you from stopping by his house unannounced?
/_/ When you do stop by unannounced, how long does it take him to answer the door?
/_/ Does he offer pathetic reasons why he can't spend the night at your place?
/_/ Does he have even more pathetic reasons why you can't spend the night at his?
/_/ Does he call you at work or when you're away simply to see when you'll be home, but at the same time fail to show interest in having a conversation with you?
/_/ Does he call you at work or when you're away simply to see when you'll be home, but at the same time fail to show interest in having a conversation with you?
/_/ Does he seem overly restless or unsettled while at home or at your place?
/_/ Did he give you only a pager or cellular phone number, and not his home phone number?
/_/ Does he unplug his telephone, refuse to answer it, or turn off the ringer altoghether when you are around?
/_/ Has he forbidden you from answering his telephone?
/_/ Dpes he keep the volume on his answering machine turned all the way down when you're around?
/_/ Does he no longer call you after a certain time each day or on weekends?
/_/ Does he fail to answer his telephone for extended periods of time, and later claim that he had fallen asleep and didnot hear it ringing, or that the phone had been turned off becaue the battery was charging?
/_/ Have you ever met his mother, or has he neglected to introduce the two of you?
/_/ Has his mother been calling you by someone else's name?
If you have answered "yes" to more than a hadful of these questions, you might already be in serious trouble.
Although there may be valid, legitimate reasons for your mate to have exhibited some of these behaviours, you should still make an effort to recognize and note them as they occur.
Consider, too, if your mate has begun to criticize you in areas that never before presented a problem. Perhaps he is making negative comments regarding your hair, weight, style of dress, or level of education. Suddenly it may appear that nothing you do pleases him - that everything about you is wrong. While you should not take these comments personally, you should consider if he might be compairing you to a new love interest.
A red flag may also come in the form of sudden, excessive gifts given for no apparent reason, or sickeningly sweet notes and messages left on your voicemail. Sometimes, these are signs that he is feeling guilty about what he has been up to. Now, I know you should not look a gift horse in the mouth, but it might be time to follow that horse out into the pasture and see what he's been up to!!
(Source: Abstracted from the book: ULTIMATE BETRAYAL by: Danine Manette - a Social Welfare from the University of California at Berkeley, and went on to earn her doctorate from Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, Calif. She has been a therapist and a juvenile probation officer and currentlyu works in the specialized field of criminal investigations.A married mother of three). |
posted by infraternam meam @ 4:23 PM |
Tuesday, October 10, 2006 |
Kinsey Institute posting the world's sexiest encyclopedia online
A..... Adultery: In some villages in Ghana, crowds shout an "adultery hoot" outside homes where adultery has taken place to shame the woman involved.
B..... Birth Control: Until 1979, the Irish prohibited importation and sale of contraceptions.
C..... Corn Flakes: John Harvey Kellogg touted eating corn flakes as a way to suppress sexual urges.
D..... Dowry Deaths: In Inida, thousands of women have been killed in engineered "accidents" by husbands angry about inadequate marraige gifts from in-laws.
E..... Excuse me: Direct reference to the need for a toilet is considered impolite in Russia.
F..... First time: A 1996 survey of Hong Kong men found that 10 percent had their first sexual experience with a prostitute.
G..... Go, already: Increasingly, financially established single Italian men called "mammoni" are continuing to live with their parents into their 30's, 40's and beyond.
H..... Homosexuality: Though it's now decriminalized in Austria, 13,000 people were convicted of "unnatural fornication" between 1950 and 1971.
I..... Incest: In a study of prostitutes in South Korea, 90 percent said they were victims of incest or had been sexually abused by members of their family.
J..... Japanese comics: "Manga", a popular form of comics in Japan, includes a sexually charged subgenre called "redikomi", drawn by women for female readers.
K..... Kissing: The traidtional Tahitian/Polynesian kiss (ho'i) consited of mutual sniffing and rubbing of noses.
L..... Lesbian: Most lesbians in Greek Cyprus are married to men and maintain heterosexual-style families away from their female lovers.
M..... Masturbation: There are many negative terms in the Icelandic language for masturbation, including "self-pollution" (sjalfsflekkun)
N..... Night crawling: Found in various forms throughout Polynesia, :night crawling" is whn a young man sneaks into the house of a young woman for sex without her parents finding out.
O..... Older efforts: There is a saying "Forty, fat and finished" in Denmark, where the sex life of older people are often depicted as disgusting.
P..... Prostitution: In Israel, prostitution is no illegal, but soliciting is.
Q..... Quality control: In Italy, the first sexual experience is ranked positively by 48.7 percent of males and by 38.6 percent of females.
R..... Ritual brother: Among the Banaro of Papua New Guinea every male has a "ritual brother" who is allowed sexual access to his wife.
S..... Space: A device had been patented the "Belt of Paradise" to enable sex in microgravity.
T..... Turnabout: It had been estimated that one in 10 Australian men has worn women's clothes.
U..... Uncalled for: In Egypt, where plumpness traditinally defines female beauty, an insult is to call a skinny woman a "rusty needle".
V..... Working women: 84 percent of women in the labor force in Spain say they have suffered some type of sexual harassment on the job.
X..... X-rated: One Australian state does not permit adult films to be shown on Sundays.
Y..... Your parts: Some 70 percent of Ukranian children ages 6 to 8 were found to be unable to identify the right words for genitalia.
Z..... Zoophilia: Some Tanzanians believe that having sexual relations with animals will increase their luck.
The famous Kinsey Institute has begun putting online one of the foremost encyclopedia on sex around the world.
The four-volume Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, written by 280 experts, examines sex in 62 countries.
The editor, Robert T. Francoeur, 74, who holds a doctorate in biology, says the online version will allow researchers to update information more quickly.
Sexual behaviour is changing rapidly, said Francoeur, professor emeritus at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, N.J. He credits the Internet and increased education. "Social changes that would take 50 or 100 years a couple of generations ago are taking place in five, 10 years, now", he said.
GROPING IN JAPAN One example is in Japan where it was once an accepted custom for men to grope women from behind on the subway.
"Young Japanese women who are going to college and picking up feminusm and so forth did'nt like it", Francoeur said. But rather than make a public disturbance, they are now gently grabbing men's wrists and raising their hands. "It didn't take the men long to learn to back off, don't do it, or you'll lose face", he said.
Arranged marriages are deminishing, he said. In the village of Junigau, Nepal, between 1963 and 1983, 73 percent of all first marriages were arranged. Ten years later, arranged marriages dropped to 54 percent. Other sexual practices, most of which Francoeur said serve to denigrate women, are also becoming less prevalent.
Currently, there are 28 country chapters posted; the rest are to be online by Octorber 2007.
"A lot of people will find it an interesting place to browse because verything is indexed", Francoeur said.
"If you want to find about monogamy in Mongolia, you can find it."
(Source:CHICSUNTIMES by Andrew Herrmann or visit :www.kinseyinstitute.org/ccies) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 12:27 AM |
Monday, October 09, 2006 |
Congress tried to wrap up its work early Satruday before leaving for five weeks of campaining for the midterm elections.
Here is a look at what it accomplished - and some of what it didn't:
========= DONE: ========= ** Congress sent President Bush a bill allowing military comissions to prosecute terrorism suspects with legislation that also spells out some acts are violations of the Geneva Conventions.
** The Senate sent Bush a $448 billion defense spending bill that includes $70 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
** The House and Senate passed and sent to Bush an almost $35 billion homeland security spending bill, which included an overhaul of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and $1.2 billion for increased border fencing to discourage illegal immigration.
** Senate Democrats blocked a final vote on sending Bush a bill that would make it a crime for anyone but a parent to take a girl across state lines to obtain an abortion. The bill, which also would subject physicians who performed abortions in those cases to criminal penalties, was passed Tuesday by the House.
** The House passed and the Senate deemed as passed a bill to make 361 seaports safer from biloligical, chemical or nuclear attacks. A Senate vote was expected later. Republicams added a measure to restrict Internet gambling.
** The Senate sent to Bush a bill to build 700 miles of new fencing along the 2,000-mile U.S. Mexicao border. The House passed this two weeks ago.
** The House passed and sent to Bush a bill including North Korea in a nonproliferation law that provides for sanctions against foreigners who supply weapons technology to Iran and Syria. The Senate passed it in July in response to a missile launched by North Korea.
========= NOT DONE: =========
** The House and Senate could not reconcile their differences over legislation allowing their differences over legistlation allowing the warrantless wiretapping of terrorism suspects in time to deliver a bill before the election. The White House may get the authroization in a post-election session.
** Spending bills for annually funded government program other than defense and security remained unfinished, delaying planned spending increases for veterans health care.
** Congress did not renew some tax breaks that expried at the end of 2005, including deductions for tuition, teacher's classroom expenses and state and local sales taxes, as well as research and development credit for bussinesses. If renewed late, it may be too late for IRS forms, complicating tax instructions.
** The House and Senate could not resolve their differences over comprehensive immigration and border security bills passed in each chamber.
** Efforts to merge House and Senate bills expanding offshore drilling failed.
** The House and Senate responded to lobbying scandals by passing ethics bills, but they could'nt reconcile their differences and send an overall measure to the White House for signing.
** New York and New Jersey senators blocked Senate action authorizing $2.1 billion for victims of HIV/AIDS because it would shift aid from urban to rural areas. The House passed it Thursday.
posted by infraternam meam @ 9:32 AM |
Wednesday, October 04, 2006 |
1). SEAN CONNERY 1962-67 & 1971 The original hero quickly became a cultural icon.
2). GEORGE LAZENBY 1969 This controversial Bond quit after just one film.
3). ROGER MOORE 1973-85 The longest serving star was also the latest serious.
4). TIMOTHY DALTON 1987-89 Some said this dark 007 wasn't "cool"enough.
5). PIERCE BROSNAN 1995-2002 The most recent Bond was an instant hit with fans.
6). DANIEL CRAIG Presently Can the new James Bond measure up?
(Source: PARADEMAG/ visit parade.com to vote for your favorite James Bond) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 5:41 AM |
Monday, October 02, 2006 |
Alpana Singh has noticed people's wine choices speak voumes about their personalities. She shares her observations on how, more often you might think, "You are what You Drink".
WHITES ** If you like buttery, oaky Chardonnay: You're fun, bouyant and outgoing, and know what you like (and make no apologies for it).
** In love with Riesling? You love complexity and tend to be the patient type who holds out for the best (like this white wine, whose grapes thrive in inhospitable, harsh climates).
ROSES/SPARKLING WINE ** If you favor dry Rose from Provence or Tuscany: You're probably an adventurous hispter who likes challenging tastes.
** Drinking sweet rose or White Zinfandel? You're probably a homebody who's not too knowledgeable about wine.
** Enjoy Champagne or sparkling wine? You're determined to enjoy life to the fullest - even if you appear a bit manic at times.
REDS ** Is Zinfandel your drink? You likely enjoy this high alcohol red because you're unpretentious and extroverted.
** Mad for Merlot? You're easygoing and tend to go with the flow.
** A fan of Cabernet Sauvignon? The "Katherine Hepburn" or "George Clooney" of wines attracts sophisticates with natural, unforced elegance.
(Source:LIFESTYLE/SUNTIMES by: Maureen Jenkins see lifestyle@suntimes.com) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 6:28 AM |
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Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
About Me: I am now at the prime of my life
and have been married for the past 25 years.
Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita,
so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.
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