Saturday, July 31, 2004 |
(abstracted from the book: "The Better Sex Guide" by Nitya Lacroix)
1). A Woman's Erogenous Zones:(man's got to do)
The Arms and Hands:Kiss her hands and wrists tenderly and then suck gently on the fingertips. Pay attention to the soft skin on the underside of the arm, letting your mouth slowly move up toweards the armpit.
Breasts and Nipples: Treat them gently and with great respect. The Breasts are glands, not muscles. This intimate area is packed with highly erotogenic nerve endings, which are directly connected to the emotional centres of her brain. Slowly and deliciously stimulate them with your fingers and your tongue.
Thighs: Lick, kiss or stroke the thighs, especially along the soft skin of the inner thigh muscles and around the groin.
Mons Pubis: The pubic area is a higly erotogenic area on a woman's body, with a rich supply of nerve endings at the base of the hair follicles. Gently rub or tug on the pubic hairs.
Clitoris: Every man should know more about a woman's clit as it is undoubtedly the most sexually important organ in her body, packed with highly erotogenic and sensitive nerve endings to the ame extent as a man's penis. Focus on the clit only when her whole body has become sexually alive and receptive, and then caress if with your tongue or fingers to bring her to the peak of sexual arousal. Watch out for her signals indicating wherehter she wants you to change from gentle caresses to move vigorous stimulation.
2). A Man's Erogenous Zones (woman's got to do)
Chest and Nipples: Stroke his chest and pectorals with your hands, and run your tongue around his nipples before sucking them gently. As with a woman, this area is sensitive to erotic arousal.
Penis and Scrotum:Too much premature attention here coild bring him to ejaculation too soon, as this is the most sexually charged ared of a man's body. Rim your hands and tonmgue playfully over his penis and scrotum, and cover them with tneder and tantalizing kisses, before moving down his body.
Buttocks: Focus attenation on his buttocks, a very sexually charged zone of a man, packed with erogenous nerve endings. Knead and squeeze the fleshy area firmly with your hands.
Back of the body: Men are aoused by sensual touches on the back of the body. Stroke his shoulders and run your fingers down his spine, and then caress his calves and the back of the thighs.
"Get into the habit of carrying out a monthly breast examination. If you menstruate, a good time to do this is a week after the first day of your period. Undress to the waist and , with your arms at your sides, inspect your breasts in the mirror, from the side as well as the front. Look for any changes of appearance, such as changes in the outline, puckering or dimpling of the skin(like orange peel). Squeeze the nipple to check for bleeding discharge."
"next, raise your hands over your head and look and see if any puckering or dimpling appears. Put your hands on your nips and push, again looking for puckering or dimpling".
"Now, examine your breasts while lying down on the bed. Place a folded towel under one shoulder and raise your arm on that side above your head to stretch the breasts. With the flat of the hand only, gently feel the breast using a circular movement and working from the outer edge to the nipple. Also feel the lump under the armpit. Repeat with other breasts."
Testicular Self Examination (of course for men)
A). Sexual Hygiene for Men
While the natural musky male smell is attractive to many women, the basic masculine aroma should not be confused with the odour of an unwashed body, which is a positive turn off. Fresh water has no smell, but after six hours bacteria on the skin acts on sweat causing the release of unpleasant odours. A regular shower or bath in necessary, and it is particularly important to wash the anal and genital area, or more often if necessary.
Uncircumcised men should take particular care to wash the glans(head of the penis) regularly, pulling back the foreskin to ensure it is really clean. This is necessary to prevent the buildup of an oily secretion called Smegma, which develop under the foreskin. Smegmais a white substance produced by the Sebaceous or oily substance-- glands under the foreskin that helps it rectract smoothly. Without regular washing, Smegmacan build up and cause infection, whcih can lead to inflammation fo the glands, a conditon known as Balanitis.It has also been linked to cancer of the penis and may cause cervical cancer in partners.
B). Testicular Self- Examination
"Make a point of examining your testicles once a month while you are having a bath or shower. Ensure the scrotum is well covered with soapy lather and then roll each testicle gently between the fingers of both hands. Learns to recognize its normal shape and consistency."
"Carefully probe for any pea sized lumps, or nodules, or any swelling or other changes. After your batch or shower, stand infront of a full length mirror, hold your penis up out of the way and carry out a visual inspection of your scrotum looking for any change in size and shape. Be aware of any pain or sensations of heaviness in the groin or lower abdomen. Report any problem to your doctor." |
posted by infraternam meam @ 2:11 AM |
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Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
About Me: I am now at the prime of my life
and have been married for the past 25 years.
Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita,
so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.
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