Wednesday, July 21, 2004 |
THE CANCER FIGHTING DIET....From A to Z, the foods you need by: Elaine Magee., MPH, RD |
CANCER: The word sends shock waved through women. But there sre reasons to be less fearful and more hopeful about the disease. Scientists continue to gain a better understaninding of the many causes of CANCER, and there's more and more evidence that certain nutrients in food may help prevent the disease.In fact, scientists estimate that approximately 30 to 40 percent of all cancer deaths are linked to diet or other lifestyle factors.
But don't think that popping a handful of vitamin pills will keep you safe. So far, studies have not shown that taking supplements provides similar protective effects. Besides, colorful and flavorful fruits and vegetables are a lot more palatable than a bunch of colored pills.
These potentially cancer-fighting phytochemicals are found in many read and purple fruits, including grapes and grape juice, prunes, blueberries, cranberries, straberries and red apples.
Bread Crust
Researchers at the University of Munster in Germany have identified a possible cancer-fighting compound in bread called pronyl-lysine, which is produced during baking and is found mainly in the crust. Whole wheat pumpernickle and other dark colored breads have the most pronyl-lysine.
Broccoli and broccoli sprouts contain the powerful phytochemical sulforaphane, believed to block tumor growth. Sulforaphane is also thought to kill bacteria responsible for ulcers and most stomach cancers.
It's one of the foods with the highest anticancer activity, according to a report from researchers at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Shredded raw cabbage is a great addition to green salads, and cooked cabbage goes well in stews and casseroles.
Dairy Products
Researchers have known for a while that the lactose (milk sugar) in dairy may increase calcium absoprtion, but now they believe it may also promote the growth of that reduce cancer-causing compounds. According to a new study from the University if Hawaii, women who consumed the highest amount of dairy products were 54 percent less likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer than women who had least.
Ellagic Acid
Cranberries, pomegranates, strwaberries and raspberries contain ellagic acid, a phytochemical that may block the body's production of enzymes needed for cancer cells to multiply. Big city dwellers might want to make a bowl of berries strawberries standard fare, because ellagic acid is thought to reduce the genetic damage caused by carcinogens found in tobacco smoke and air pollution.
You may reduce your risk of colon cancer by eating plenty of fiber rich fruits, vegetables beans and whole grains. One theory: The Fermentation of fiber with anticarcinogenic effects. Dietary fiber may also decrease the risk of breast and prostate cancer.
Folic Acid
Besides helping to prevent birth defects and protecting the heart, this vitamin may also impede colorectal and other cancers, researchers believe. Spinach, beans, range juice and strawberries are good sources.
Studies suggest that a small amount of garlic, as little a s one third of a fresh clove a week, may offer protection against the formation of cancer causing substances, says John Milner, PhD, chief of National Cancer Institute's Nutritional Science Research Group. For maximum protective effects, chop a peeled clove and let it sit for about 15 minutes before adding it to a recipe.
Andrews University researchers named ginger as on of the foods with the highest anticancer activity. In animals studies the spice has been shown to slow tumor growth.
Honeydew Melon
This light green fruit is refreshing source of two potential cancer fighters; viramin C and Folic Acid. One cup of melon cubes contains 59 calories, 50 percent of the daily value for vitamin C and 13 percent for folic acid.
Those anticancer phytochemicals are abundant in cruciferious vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage. In lab and animal studies indoles appear to prevent breast cancer, possibly by reducing levels of harmful estrogens.
An 8 ounce glass of 100 perdent juice counts toward your daily serving of fruits and vegetables. The top nutirent choices are orange juice, grapfruit, carrot and tomato juice.
Don't let a day go by without having a serving of this or other dark- green leafy vegetable such as broccoli or brussels sprouts. The contain several important phytochemicals thought to speed up the action of enzymes that break down carcinogens.
The richest source of these cancer protective phytoestrogens is flaxseed, which has been shown to decrease the risk of breast cancer, according to University of Toronto researchers. Other good sources include barley, rye, wheat, oats, broccoli, carrots, spinach and legumes (including soy beans)
They are the number on source of selenium from produce. Due to some encouraging research suggesting this mineral has caner protective effect, the National Cancer Institute is now studying whether selinium prevents prostate cancer.
Walnuts and pecans are both good sources of ellagic acid.
These savory snacks (as well as olive oil) contains the phytochemical hydroxytyrosol, which acts as a potent antioxidant in our bodies.
Plants in this family (which include chives, garlic, leeks, scallions and shallots) contain the cancer fighting phytochemicals allicin and flaonoids.
men in china have the world's lowest rate of prostate cancer, and researchers say that a diet rich in garlic, shallots and onions may be one of the reasons.
Phytic Acid
This phytochemical, present in whole what products, may supporess reactions in the colon that lead to tumors. Eating 100 percent whole wheat bread is one of the easiest ways to get phytic acid. You can also bake with the while flour and repalce it with an equal volume of whole wheat flour.
Abundant in onions, apples, tea and red wine, this phytochemicals is believed to have strong antioxidantive and anticancer properties. It is also found in smaller amounts of broccoli.
Red Wine
It's an excellent source of resveratrol, identified by cancer researchers as one fo the more promising anticancer food chemicals. High concentrations are also found in red grapes and grape juice, as well as nuts.
They contain phytoestrogens called isoflavens, which may reduce the risk of breast cancer by inhibiting the formation of blood vessels that assist tumor growth. In East Asian countries, where soy is a predominant part of the diet, rates of breast cancer have traditionally been low.
You may want to trade at least one of your daily cups of java for tea. Both black and green tea are good sources of polyphenols, thought to block the cell damage that can lead to cancer. Tea also contains catechins, which are subgroup of the flavonoid family.
Tomato Products
They contain the anticancer standout Lycopene, a potent antioxidant that may protect against breast, colon, lung and prostate cancers. Cooked or processed tomato foods contains the most lycopene and a little fat (such as olive oil)makes the lycopense most bioavailable.
Umbelliferous Vegetables
The term may not be familiar, but the foods found in this category (carrots, celery, dill and parsley, among others) certainly are Andrews University researchers report that umbelliferous vegetables are among the foods with the highest anticancer activity.
Vitamin D
You can get a dose of Vitamin D which has been linked to lower colon cancer incidence, by drinking lowfat milk and eating fatty fish. And 15 to 20 minutes of daily sunshine provides vitamin D without significant increasing a person's skin cancer risk, according to the American Institute of Cancer Reaserch.
Whole Grains
Brown rice, whole wheat and other whole grains contain fiber as well as the phytochemical saponin, which may neutralize cancer causing substances in the intestine and possibly reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Exta Hot Chili Peppers
Go for some pleasure along with the pain. Capsaicin, the phytochemical that's responsible for chili's "heat" may also interfere with cancer developement.
They're loaded with beta carotene (which may protect against several cancers by preventing damage from oxidation) and potentially cancer figthing folic acid and vitamin C.
This green squash is a great way to get your daily vegetable serving. One cup of steamed zucchibne slices gives you 2 grams of fiber, 7 percent of the daily value for beta carotene and 19 percent for folic acid, all for just 25 calories.
Antioxidants Substances found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds that protect against cell damage.
Flovonoids Pigment producing compounds found in plants that act as antioxidants and offer a wild range of protective health benefits.
Phytochemical A natural compound found in plant food that works along with nutrients to protect against disease and my have anticancer properties.
Phytoestrogen A chemical compound occuring naturally in plants that has properties similar to estrogen.
Source: American Institute for Cancer Research |
posted by infraternam meam @ 1:15 AM |
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