Tuesday, July 13, 2004 |
The Filipino language is so Spanish with different accent and pronunciation.... but it is still influenced by the Spanish/ Castillan language given a Malaysian twist on it, not to mention Chinese and a smuttering of Japanese and also Indian words and letters on it.
Here's some Spanish Idioms, when translated into English becomes so different and very funny at times.
1.....(English) I know what your little game is.
......(Spanish) Te conozco bacalao aunque vengas disfrazado.
......(Literal translation) I know you Codfish, even though you're in disguise.
2.....(English) To go to bed early.
......(Spanish) Acostarse con las gallinas.
......(Literal Translation) To go to bed with the hens.
3.....(English) You could have heard a pin drop.
......(Spanish) No oir ni el vuelo de una mosca.
......(Literal Translation) To not even hear the flight of a fly.
4.....(English) To stand someone up, to break a date.
......(Spanish) Darle perro a uno.
......(Literal Translation) To give someone a dog.
5.....(English) To pay for someone else's mistakes.
......(Spanish) Pagar el pato.
......(Literal Translation) To pay for the duck.
6.....(English) To fill someone's head with empty talk.
......(Spanish) Llenar la cabeza de pajaritos.
......(Literal Tranlation) To fill the head with little birds.
7.....(English) To pull someone's leg.
......(Spanish) Tomarle el pelo a uno.
......(Literal Translation) To pull someone's hair.
8.....(English) To find fault with everything.
......(Spanish) Buscarle pelos al huevo.
......(Literal Translation) To look for hair on the egg.
9.....(English) To tread on thin ice.
......(Spanish) Andar pisando huevos.
......(Literal Translation) To walk stepping on eggs.
10....(English) To tell someone to go jump into the lake.
......(Spanish) Mandarle a alguien a freir esparragos.
......(Literal Translation) To have someone fry asparagus.
11....(English) To be dressed to kill.
......(Spanish) Estar de veinticinco alfileres.
......(Literal Translation) To be of twenty five pins.
12....(Rnglish) To get it off one's chest.
......(Spanish) Vaciar el costal.
......(Literal Translation) To empty the bag.
13....(English) To rain cats and dogs.
......(Spanish) Caer chuzos de punta.
......(Lietral Translation)To rain sharp pointed spears.
14....(English) To be in a bad mood.
......(Spanish) Tener mal templada la guitarra.
......(Literal Translation) To have one's guitar badly tuned.
15....(English) To run the show.
......(Spanish) Tener la sarten por el mango.
......(Literal Translation) To have the frying pan by the handle.
16....(English) To hit the ceiling.
......(Spanish) Subirse a la parra.
......(English Translation) To climb up the grapevine.
17....(English) To uncover a secret.
......(Spanish) Descubrir el polvorin.
......(Literal Translation) To discover the gunpowder.
18....(English) The game isnt' over yet.
......(Spanish) La pelota esta aun en el tejado.
......(Literal Translation) THe ball is on the roof.
19....(English) To be blind.
......(Spanish) Tener telaranas en los ojos.
......(Literal Translation) To have cobwebs in one's eyes.
20....(English) To be nobody's fool.
......(Spanish) Saber Latin.
......(Literal Translation)To know Latin.
21....(English) It's a small world.
......(Spanish) El mundo es un panuelo.
......(Literal Translation) The world is a handkerchief.
22....(English) To go from bad to worse.
......(Spanish) Andar de Herodes a Pilato.
......(Literal Translation) To walk from Herod to Pilate.
23....(English) To be charming.
......(Spanish) Tener Angel.
......(Literal Translation) To have an angel.
24....(English) To remain an old Maid.
......(Spanish) Quedarse para vestir santos.
......(Literal Translation) To stay dressing saints.
25....(English) It was like taking candy from a baby.
......(Spanish) Aquello fue llegar y besar el santo.
......(Literal Translation)That was arriving & kissing the saint.
26....(English) One's time will come.
......(Spanish) Todos los santos tienen novena.
......(Literal Translation) All saints have novenas.
27....(English) It cost an arm and a leg.
......(Spanish) Costar un ojo de la cara.
......(Literal Translation) To cost an eye of the face.
28....(English)To burn the midnight oil.
......(Spanish) Quemarse las pestanas.
......(Literal Translation)To burn one's eyelashes.
29....(English) To know nothing about.
......(Spanish) No saber ni papa de.
......(Literal Translation) Not to know even a potato about.
30....(English) To skip class.
......(Spanish) Fumarse una clase.
......(Literal Translation) To smoke oneself a class.
(abstracted from the book "101 Spanish Idioms" by: J.M. Casagne) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 11:46 PM |
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Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
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and have been married for the past 25 years.
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