Friday, May 27, 2005 |
The Twenty Three Categories of the Academy Awards: Oscars are awarded each year for the best in these categories:
1.. Film 2.. Foreign Language Film 3.. Director 4.. Actor 5.. Actress 6.. Supporting Actor 7.. Supporting Actress 8.. Original Screenplay 9.. Screenplay Adaptation 10. Cinematography 11. Editing 12. Original Score 13. Original Song 14. Art Direction 15. Costume Design 16. Sound 17. Sound Editing 18. Makeup 19. Visual Effects 20. Documentary Features 21. Dcoumentary, Short Subjects 22. Short Film, Animated 23. Short Film, Live
The Nine Muses in Greek Mythology. Daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, the Nine Muses each were responsible for a different art or science. They are:
1.. Calliope, Muse of epic poetry 2.. Clio, Muse of history 3.. Erato, Muse of erotic or love poetry 4.. Euterpe, Muse of lyric poetry 5.. Melpomene, Muse of tragedy 6.. Polyhymnia, Muse of sacred poetry 7.. Tersichore, Muse of dance 8.. Thalia, Muse of comedy 9.. Urania, Muse of astronomy
The Nine Worthies The Nine Worthies are famous indiviuals whose importance make them comparable to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. They are commonly grouped in threes, Gentiles, Jews and Christians. They are the following:
1.. Alexander 2.. Hector 3.. Julius Ceasar 4.. Joshua 5.. David 6.. Judas Maccabaeus 7.. King Arthur 8.. Charlemagne 9.. Godfrey de Bouillon
The Twelve Knights of the Round Table In Arthurian legend there is no one definited list of the Twelve Knights of the Round Table. According to Dryden these are the twelve:
1.. Lancelot 2.. Tristan 3.. Lamoracke 4.. Tor 5.. Galahad 6.. Gawain 7.. Gareth 8.. Palomides 9.. Kay 10. Mark 11. Mordred 12. and another who may be named Ector de Maris, Ewain Gaheris, Lionel, Pelleas, Pervival, or one of several others.
The Four Etheric Formative Forces Rudolf Steiner first detailed these forces in an optics course in 1921. Based on ancient concept of Ether, Steiner tried to explain them as forces streaming in from the cosmos that cannot be perceived by our senses but whose effects can be studied. These forces are embdied in each person and in all matter. The four are:
1.. Warm Ether, which causes hot or fiery conditions and appears in the color red.
2.. Light Ether,which causes gaseous and airy conditions and appears in yellow.
3.. Chemical Ether,which causes fluid or watery conditions and appears in blue.
4.. Life Ether,which causes solid or earthly conditions and appears in violet.
The Seven Types of Love according to Plato:
1.. Love of man and woman 2.. Love of parent and child 3.. Love of a friend 4.. Love of beauty 5.. Love of good 6.. Love of wisdom 7.. Love of God
The Six Categories of Dogs. There are more than 100 breeds of dogs. They can be classified in six groups:
1.. Working Dogs, including collies,mstiffs,schnausers,sheepdogs and the Siberian husky.
2.. Sporting Dogs, including pointers, setters and retrievers.
3.. Hounds,including bassets, bloodhounds, dachunds,foxhounds and greyhounds.
4.. Terriers,including fox, Welsh, Scottish terriers and airedales.
5.. Nonsporting Dogs,including chow chows, poodles, dalmatians and bulldogs.
6.. Toy Dogs,including pekingese and chihuahuas.
The Seven Types of Cats:
1.. Great Cats,including lions, tigers, leopards, snow leoplards and jaguars.
2.. Lesser Cats,including ocelots, leopard cats, tabby cats, desert cats, plain cats, and marbled cats.
3.. Other Cats,including pumas, clouded leopards and golden cats.
4.. Lynxes,including jungle cats, caracals, northern lynxes, and bobcats.
5.. Servals
6.. Jaguarondis
7.. Cheetahs
(abstracted from the book of the same title of this blog by: John Boswell and Dan Starer) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 3:01 AM |
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Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
About Me: I am now at the prime of my life
and have been married for the past 25 years.
Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita,
so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.
See my complete profile
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