Sunday, April 17, 2005 |
Who Did What When, from Age 1 to 100.
At the Age of 0 - 1.....
..... Mary, of the House of Stuart, becomes Queen if Scotland.
..... Hercules, strangles two serpents placed in his cradle.
..... Mickey Rooney debuts in the family vaudeville act.
..... Jesus is visited in a manger.
..... Brooke Shields is selected the Ivory Snow baby.
At the Age of 2.....
..... Tenzin Gyatso is declared the 14th (and present) Dalai Lama.
..... Judy Garland launches her stage career.
..... Hsuan-t'ung become Emperor of China (the final one).
..... Isabella II ascends to the Spanish throne.
..... Isaac Asimov rips outs each page of a book as he turns it, then grows very sad to see the book empty. (He will go on to write roughly 500 books).
At the Age of 3 .....
..... Tiger Woods shoots 48 for 9 holes on his hometown golf course in Cypress, California.
..... Albert Einstein speaks for the first time.
..... Ernest Hemingway receives his first fishing rod.
..... Ivan the Terrible becomes Grand Prince of Moscow.
At the Ager of 4 .....
..... Kim Ung-Yong, with an estimated IQ of 200, speaks fluent Korean, Japanese and German.
..... Andre Agassi hists tennis balls for 15 minutes wuth Jimmy Connors, then the world's top player.
..... Louis XIV becomes King of France, upon the death of his father, Louis XIII.
..... Bob Hope emigrates from England to the United States.
..... Natasha Richardson appears in the film "The Charge of the Light Brigade", starring her mother, Vanessa Redgrave and directed by his father Tony Richardson.
At the Age of 5 .....
..... Beatrice d'Este has her hand offered in marriage by her father to the Duke of Bari, age 29. (Which they will marry 11 years later).
..... Charlie Chaplin appears with his mother on the vaudeville stage.
..... Christina becomes Queen-elect of Sweden.
At the Age of 6 .....
..... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozaart gives keyboard concerts across Europe.
..... Pepi II becomes Pharoah of Egypt, a reign that lasts 94 years.
..... Marie Grosholts -- known later as Madame Tussaud -- first works with wax.
..... Clara Hirschfield, called "Tootsie" by her father, a confectioner, is honored to have his new candy, the Tootsie Roll, named for her.
..... Ron Howard stars as Opien in TV's "The Andy Griffith Show".
At the Age of 7 .....
..... Stephen King writes his first story.
..... Michael Tan begins studying for a bachelor's degree in mathematics at Canterbury University, New Zealand.
..... Jackie Coogan becomes a millionaire, after appearing in the title role of Charles Chaplin's in The Kind.
..... Yehudi Menuhin, violin virtuoso, solos with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.
At the Age of 8 .....
..... Louis Antonio de Bourbon is elected a cardinal in the Catholic Church.
..... Julie Andrews masters an astounding four-octave singing range.
..... Evel Knievel witnesses his first motorcycle daredevil jump.
..... Beatrice Pontinari is spotted by Danter Alighieri (age 9), who is so smitten he will immortalize her later in his "Divine Comedy" as Beatrice, one of literature's great romantic figures.
At the Age of 9.....
..... Genghis Khan becomes chief of his Mongol Tribe.
..... Tutankhamen -- King Tut -- becomes Pharoah of Egypt.
..... Natalie Wood stars in "Miracle on 34th Street".
..... Kirsen Wilhelm bikes across America, in 66 days.
..... Maria Agnesi, 18th-century mathematician and philosopher, delivers a one-hour lecture, in Latin, on a woman's right to vote.
At the Age of 10 .....
..... Gloria Vabderbilt endures a bitter, tabloid fodder court battle between her mother and step mother and aunt to determine custody of the girl and her multimillion dollar trust fund.
..... Napoleon Bonaparte enters in a military school.
..... Tatum O'Neal wins the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, for her performance in "Paper Moon".
..... George Gordon inherits his great-uncle's estate and acquires the title of Lord Byron.
..... Thomas Edison sets up a laboratory in the basement.
..... Leonardo DiCarpio is rejected by a talent agent because of bad haircut.
At the Age of 11 .....
..... Michael Jackson, leads singer of the Jackson Fiver, records their bhuge hit "ABC".
..... Thomas Gregory, of England, swims across the English Channel.
..... Marion Morrison inherits the nickname "Duke", which he later change his given name to JOHN WAYNE.
At the Age of 12 .....
..... Pocahontas saves the life of Captain John Smith, shielding his head with her body so that he wll not be out to death.
..... Tom Sawyer gets his friends to whitewash a fence for him.
..... Carl Witte earns a Ph.D in mathematics from the University of Giessen, Germany.
..... Charles Dickes quits school to work in a factory, pasting labels in bottles of shoe polish, because his father has been imprisoned for debt.
..... Cleopatra takes her first lover.
..... Macauly Caulkin earns $5 million and a percentage of the box office for starring in "Home Alone, Part 2".
..... Jesus, with Mary and Joseph, visits Jerusalem for Passover.
..... Steven Spielberg, makes short movies, using his father's 8 mm Kodak camera.
At the Age of 13 .....
..... Bill Gates writes his first computer program.
..... Jodie Foster appears in the movie "Taxi Driver".
..... Doris Duke inherits more than $30 million when her tobacco magnate father dies.
..... Stevie Wonder records the sone "Fingertips", his first no. 1 hit.
..... Joan of Arc hears voices telling her to help liberate France from English rule.
At the Age of 14 .....
..... Nadia Commanecci earns the first perfect "10"-- in fact, in the first seven of them -- ever awarded in Olympic gymnastic competition.
..... Linda Blair makes head tuirns, including her own, in her memorable role in the movie "The Exorcist."
..... Akbar the Great becomes Mogul Emperor of India.
..... Bernadette Soubirous, an asthmatic girl from Lourdes, France, experience visions, is cured of her asthma, tells priest that the Virgin Mary has told her that a chapel should be built there, and inspires pilgrimage to Lourdes.
..... Charles III the Simple, son of Louis the Stammerer, succeeds Charles as King of France.
..... Ralphn Waldo Emerson enrolls at Harvard.
At the Age of 15 .....
..... Paul McCartney is invited by John Lennon to join his skiffle group, the Quarrymen.
..... Giacomo Cassanova, perhaps history's most famous lover, loses his virginity to two sisters.
..... Hanson Gregory, a baker's apprentice, pushes the soggy center of a fried bun and creates the Doughnut.
..... Pulcheria, daughter of Arcadius, assumes the rule over the eastern half of the Roman Empire.
..... Brigitte Bardot appears on the cover of French magazine "Elle".
..... Joseph Armand Bombardier, of Quebec, Canada, attaches a Model T engine t his family's sleigh, adds a wood propeller,a nd invents the snowmobile.
(abstrcted from the book "What's In An Age", by: Andrew Postman) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 9:49 PM |
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Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
About Me: I am now at the prime of my life
and have been married for the past 25 years.
Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita,
so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.
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