Friday, September 10, 2004 |
Last 04September was my Birthday. Don't ask me about my age, I won't tell you. The celebration was held instead on the 07 of September, having Bishop Arturo M.Bastes, celebrating the mass at the headquarters of PAX (Peace) Chicago in the west suburbs of Chicago. this is a group of men, ex-priest and ex-seminarians and also professing priest, who decided to bond together and practice still the christian values we have learned inside the seminary during our formation period.
I was so happy about it, a Bishop was celebrating the mass for my birthday. Of course, I provided the food.
We have a mass of thanksgiving. The homily was just right and very down to earth was the Bishop on his preaching. He added humor and also historical foothnotes to it, including some explanation of Greek words into English and the rightful meaning of it.He was not very dogmatic, but more of a teacher and a good adviser. It was long, because he said all of us present should be cannonically following the mass rubrix of not receiving the sacrament one hour before the mass, We had dinner first, so he said he will prolong his homily which he did--- and it was beautifully given and explained to all of us.
Thank you Bishop Bastes. I love you too.
After the mass, we have to eat again, cuz I cooked lots of food for the evening. Then he explained the reason why he came to Chicago. He now has a new project in Sorsogon, and the story of a priest that had Alzheimers that was found wondering in Manila, who does not know anybody, and could hardly remember who he was and where he came from, was a teary eyed story. This wondering, Alzheimers afflicted priest is from Sorsogon, so they took him home and died with dignity in his diocese and was given a decent and christian burial. You can hear a pin drop, after this story . There's lots of friends inside the house attending the mass and it became so silent. Its like as if, the angel has passed.
All friends present at the mass, gave our financial support to the project of the Bishop. A home for the priests of Sorsogon and a home to teach and give lectures and training to all cathechist and lay leaders of the Diocese.
We talked to the Bishop until midnite, then he retired for the evening because he will celebrated the Mass next day 08September with the SVD fathers at their Provincial House in Techny, Illinois which is 8 miles from where I live.It was to celebrate the founding of the (SVD) SOCIETY OF THE DIVINE WORD (SOCIES VERBI DIVINI) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 1:12 AM |
koyang, belated happy birthday po! kamusta na po kayo? regards po kay ate Eva. :)
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Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
About Me: I am now at the prime of my life
and have been married for the past 25 years.
Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita,
so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.
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koyang, belated happy birthday po! kamusta na po kayo? regards po kay ate Eva. :)