Wednesday, June 02, 2004 |
From a Psychic reader:
"Advise in all problems: Marriage , love relationship, money, family. Brings good spirit and guardian angel to your home.
I uase Oil, Crystal, Blessed Candle, Blesses Water....
Free Gift with each reading."
From a Balikbayan Box shipper:
"Time to reached out for your loved one's and share"
From a Karaoke dealer:
"Best selections of songs from oldest to the latest. ENGLISH, PILIPINO, LATIN, ITALIAN, IRISH, GREEK, JEWISH songs available"
Fromn a divorce lawyer:
"DIVORCE in as few as 45 days even if yoiur husband or wife lives outside Illinois or the USA OR IN AS FEW AS 10 DAYS IF BOTH ARE IN AGREEMENT."
From a Dental Office:
"We feature the intra oral video camera, so you see what the dentist sees. modern autocalve."
"see your teeth on color TV before treatment and after"
From a DJ Music provider:
"DJ Music for all occasions. Wen Apo! Your Kababayan!
DJ, Dance Instructor/ Tennis Instructor Life & Health Insurance General agent"
From a Sprititual Psychic:
"She will not ask your problem, She will tell you! She will call your enemies by name and tell you who to avoid!"
From another Psychic reader:
" she can tell you-----
* your luckiest astrology number.
* who you will marry and when.
* which part of the country is the luckiest place for you.
* if the one you love is true or false.
* if hard luck is natural or influenced by others.
* feng shui and many many more!!!"
From an Insurance agents:
posted by infraternam meam @ 3:45 AM |
About Me |
Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
About Me: I am now at the prime of my life
and have been married for the past 25 years.
Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita,
so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.
See my complete profile
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