Wednesday, February 16, 2005 |
YENDI,Ghana It was terrible enough that the beloved king was murdered and his head paraded on a spear, casuing 32 widows to weep at the mere mention of his name.
Or that more than two years later, his headless body still languishes in a tiny hospital morgue.
The feud that killed the king of Dagbon has tooked havoc across the dust-blown fields of this northern Ghana kingdom. But family members say it's nothing compared with the war of succession they anticipate once the king is finally buried.
For 600 years the Abudu and Andani clans -- named after two sons of the ancient Dagbon king-- cordially rotated control of the kingdom, centered in Yendi, 330 miles north of Accra, the capital.
Dagbon, half the size of Rhode Island with 1 million people, is one eight traditional kingdoms in this West African repulic.
Kings, democracy co-exist
A 30 year old power struggle between the clan ignited in March 2002, when Abudu warriors brandishing spears, bows and arrows, and guns stormed the palace and slaughtered the 66 year old Andani king, Ya-Na Yakubu and 30 clan elders.
The sacred Dagbon palace-- two dozen mud huts inside a walled compound -- was raked with bullets and burned down. The king's head and arm went missing but mysteriously turned up a week later, placed by persons unknown in the palace ruins. They now lie beside the corpse.
Andani elders say the king can be buried when a nearly rebuilt new palace is complete, with a pavilion where he can lie in state.
They will then name a successor-- most likely a son.
But the Abudu contend that since the king is dead -- never mind that they killed him --it's their turn to appoint a successor.
That would likely be Mahamadu Abdulai, the 20 year old Abudu chief from Yendi, whose residents say, was taken out of school and given three wives and a cadre of elders, who pamper him for majesty.
Tensions over the regicide are sending ripples across modern Ghana, a democracy trying to make its economic niche with high tech call centers. Kings and chiefs have autonomy over their areas, but many find it hard to keep modern politics at bay.
A government panel investigating the kiling has achieved little.
(abstracted from CHICSUNTIMES/Associted Press/Bryan Mealer) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 3:25 AM |
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Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
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