Saturday, February 26, 2005 |
RUSSIA A well-known female boxer and her coach consumated their wedding vows by climbing into a ring and sparring each other. The couple, who called the fight "Symbolic", haven't yet set up a rematch in divorce court.
WASHINGTON After running naked through a Spokance Denny's at 5 a.m., three streakers were stranded in 20-degree weather because their car had been stolen-- with all their clothes in it. The trio left the vehicle running for a quick getaway, a fact noted by a car thieF eating at Denny's. Police nabbed the asses hiding behind parked cars but did'nt charge them.
ARGENTINA A 22-year old man was attacked by lion at the Buenos Aires Zoo after he leapt into its enclosure and waved his jacket at the irritated beasts. Sadly, alert keepers shot the pawing lion with a tranquilizer dart before the matador wannabe was seriously injured.
ENGLAND The owner of a Manchester pub turned the empty lot next to his bar into a cemetery for his patrons. Drunks plunked down beer money in return for their very own plot, with one begging buddies to get tanked on his grave every Friday night.
GERMANY Ten teachers at a Luneburg school were taken to the hospital after gorging on a pot-laced chocolate cake this student left in their break room. Reports that the Krauts also spread cake all over their faces and chest went unconfirmed.
CHINA Pagent Finalists Enhanced to be a cut above A 22-year old student took top honors in the Commie country's first-ever beautry pageant featuring only contestants who had undergone plastic surgery. Feng Qian of Jilin sported a teal bathing suit to match her re-designed cheeks and eyelids and took home a $6,000 country club membership as a proof that the work was worth it. The man-made looker edged out 19 other finalists including such tough competition as a 62-year old retiree and a 21-year old who, until three years ago was a man.
RUSSIA A vacationing Russian couple tried to save some rubles by hiding their three year old daugther in a suitcase,but their frugal plan was discovered when the bag was stolen. After arriving at a Moscow train station, the girl's parents passed the downtime with a few drinkskis--which is why they did'nt notice when the thieves ganked their progeny hiding luggage. The perps kept the bag but ditched the tot, who was later found wandering the streets in search of both her lost parents and her childlike innocence.
ITALY Middle aged man thinks he's a pussy A man believing himself to be a cat had to be rescued from a tree by firefighters because he could'nt get down after clawing his way up. Nearby shoppers called in the rescuers after the 46-year old Milanese cat-man spent an hour mewing for help, during which time local children failed to lure him from the perch with a saucer of milk. Once down, the feline freak took a ride to a psychiatric hospital, where he presumably underwent a barrage of tests and a neutering.
BRAZIL South American Jailbirds watched by Jail Birds Four prison in Sao Paolo's Paraiba Valley have begun emplOying geese as warm-blooded alarms used to warm guards about escaping cons. Idalecio Pereira Campos, the director of Tremember Prison, remembered being chased by geese as a kid and figured the fowl would make great deterrents. No inmates have escaped since eagle-eyed geese started on the job, but the number of old ladies tossing breadcrumbs at the prison has dramaticaly increased.
posted by infraternam meam @ 1:10 AM |
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Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
About Me: I am now at the prime of my life
and have been married for the past 25 years.
Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita,
so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.
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