Sunday, March 20, 2005 |
STRONGMAN HOLES UP BEFORE LATEST FEAT Czech Republic --A Slovakian born man pulled a locomotive using braided cables attatched to 14 rods skewered through the skin of his back. Ladislav Hanzel, resembling Mr. Clean, dragged the 88-ton behemoth along a railway in Brno for 27 seconds, hauling it roughly 15 feet before giving up. The feat not only earned the chunky engine that could a Czech record, but gave hope to young Eastern Europeans who dream of one day achieving their own pointless, short lived glory.
UNLUCKY WOMAN GETS PIECE OF SOMEONE'S MIND Chile--A Santiago pharmacist expecting a shipment of mushrooms by mail opened a package and found that she'd been delivered a human brain instead. Horrified at receiving gray matter rather than the fungi she needed for testing. Susana Erana rang up the cops. Los Policias discovered that the brain was mailed from the town of Curico and originally intended for a Santiago morgue. According to a police spokesperson blessed with exceptional powers of deduction, "Something went wrong".
MAN ELECTROCUTED, FAILS TO GAIN SUPERPOWERS China -- An electrician received an on-the-job shock so powerful that it blew a book size hole in his chest and left his heart exposed to the open air. After the accident, Zhu Ming,a 34-year old from the Jiangsu province, underwent two operations to clear out charred tissue but had to wait nearly three months before the grisly gaping maw in his torso could be patched up. Physicians predict a full recovery for Zhu MIng as long as he avoids infection and overzealous post touchdown chest thumping.
TRAVELER LOSES SHOE WHILE ON VACATION Costa Rica -- A vacationing German professor woke up in an airport to find his leg missing. Ronald Jurisch, a 50 year old from Dessau, had gone to a San Jose hospital to treat a diabetes-related swelling in his left leg. "I heard the word 'amputate' and protested but they gave me drugs and I blacked out" Jurisch explained, "Then I woke up in the lounge." Back in Fatherland, he needed 23 surgeries to repair the damage done by the loco doctors in Costa Rica.
(abstracted from MAXIMONLINE.COM) |
posted by infraternam meam @ 3:46 AM |
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Name: infraternam meam
Home: Chicago, United States
About Me: I am now at the prime of my life
and have been married for the past 25 years.
Sickly at times, but wants to see the elixir vita,
so that I will be able to see my grandchildren from my two boys.
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